I'm Chris,

Welcome to my portfolio website!
Let's work together.


Bug Tracker

This project is a full-stack application that allows the user to register their username and password and is authenticated through a Postgres database. After authentication, the logged in user will be able to submit a description of an issue and assign it to a person along with an urgency level.

  • Sql
  • Express
  • React
  • Postgres
  • NodeJs

Weather App

This application connects to the open weather API. The background image changes according to temperatures that are above or below 16 degrees celcius. When you search a location, it will show the temperature in degrees celsius, and the background image will change to a hot or cold wallpaper depending on the temperature.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • APIs

Expense Tracker

This expense tracker uses different React hooks and separate components to keep track of your expenses. You can input the description, amount and date of your expenses, and the separate expenses will appear on the bottom of the form with a delete function. The entries will appear in chronological order.

  • React
  • Javascript

React Website

This website uses react to create a modernized interface. There are links at the footer that allow the user to access different social media websites, and the top links allow the user to access different parts of the website. The icons allow a better visualisation of the components that are displayed on the site.

  • React


I have worked with several different technologies as a web developer ranging from the front-end to the back-end.

  • Front-End

    React || CSS || HTML || Bootstrap

  • Back-End

    Node || Postgres || SQL || Python || Express

  • UI/UX


About Me

Law man turned web developer

Personal Statistics


BS in Statistics


Hours invested to web development


Github Repositories


Graduate of Devmountain coding bootcamp